Northwoods airlifeline

Northwoods AirLifeline is a volunteer-run non-profit organization that provides on-demand air travel for medical patients that meet the following criteria: critical time element, logistical need (e.g., impractical to transport the patient by other means), and financial need. Lift support cannot be provided during the flight. Visit the website for information regarding requesting a flight.


Provider Type: Non-Profit Organization

Headquarters: PO Box 2973, Kingsford, MI 49802-2973

Phone: (800) 311-1760 (24-Hour Emergency Line)

Service Area: Flies most often to Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, and Ohio. Longer flights can sometimes be arranged. Passengers are responsible for getting to the departing airport and from the destination airport to the medical facility.

Cost of Service: None

Days/Hours of Operation: Based on pilot availability and patient needs


Service Types:

Demand-Response: Point-to-point pickup and dropoff service is provided in response to a phone call.

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation: Transportation services for patients to and from non-emergency medical appointments.

Northwoods Airlifeline Logo

Northwoods Airlifeline Logo